Feasibility studies were undertaken by the development partners to identify this area for development. Environmental surveys of the site and surrounding area have been ongoing since Autumn 2021. Baseline data collected from these surveys and initial assessments have informed the identification of an application site (‘the site’) from a larger developable area.
This site represents an area of search. The siting of the development within this area of search is still to be confirmed. This was done so that there would be flexibility in the design process to incorporate consultee comments and ongoing environmental surveys and assessments to ensure a final design that minimises potential impacts.
We have undertaken pre-application consultation with The Highland Council (THC) and other statutory consultees.
We are currently undergoing EIA Screening to determine whether an EIA is required. This process will ensure relevant consultees are properly informed in regard to the environmental baseline and potential impacts of the Proposed Development, and provide an opportunity for the method and scope of future assessments to be agreed.

What next?
We are now beginning the process of assessing the findings from surveys completed to date. This information, together with results from remaining surveys, comments from the public exhibitions and key consultee feedback, will assist the refinement of the design and minimise potential environmental impacts.
We will undertake further public consultation later in the year to provide further information and highlight any changes to the project. This will provide the public with a further opportunity to provide their feedback directly to the project team.
It is our intention to submit a full planning application by the end of this year. Construction of the development is anticipated to commence in 2023/2024, with the Proposed Development expected to be operational in 2025. These timescales are subject to consent being granted.