Traffic and transport
Access to the site would come off the existing Beinn Tharsuinn Windfarm access track which runs from the B9716 Struie road, approximately 2 km to the east.
Traffic associated with construction of the facility would predominantly comprise deliveries of construction plant, equipment, and materials for the construction of the development compound, foundations, hardstanding, internal access roads and buildings. The impact of construction traffic would be temporary and would be managed through standard good site practices and the provision of a Construction Traffic Management Plan.
During operation, hydrogen produced will be collected by tube trailer with 4 filling bays provided for this purpose. During the design phase the project will look to optimise the filling to minimise the number of trailers needed to move the hydrogen from the site. The developers are working with industry partners on next-generation tube trailers which would require fewer HGV movements.
A standalone Transport Statement will be submitted with the planning application, to include details of construction and operation HGV movements along with an appraisal of the permanent site access arrangements and potential transport impacts of the proposal. The potential impacts will be assessed with reference to the Council’s Guidance on Transport Assessment Methodology for Renewable Energy Proposals.
Health and Safety
There are no significant risks to health identified in the context of the construction or operation of the Proposed Development.
Hydrogen facilities, like all facilities handling industrial gases, have inherent risks associated with them. However, these risks will be factored into the design of equipment and measures will be put in place to mitigate these risks.
Hydrogen is a ‘named substance’ under the Control of Major Accident Hazard (COMAH) regulations 2015 and the Proposed Development will require to be constructed and operated in accordance with the regulations. This includes a requirement to demonstrate an inherently safe design and to show that appropriate design safety principles have been adopted and embedded throughout the planning and design stages.
As a COMAH site the Proposed Development will require a hazardous substance consent. This consent is a planning control that enable the relevant authorities to consider whether the presence of a significant quantity of a hazardous substance is appropriate having regard to the risk to the community.
In addition the Proposed Development would be subject to further safety regulations including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
The Development is not in a location which is susceptible to natural disasters.