Welcome to the Cromarty Hydrogen Project Public Information Event. The event will detail ScottishPower Energy Retail and Storegga’s proposal to construct and operate an electrolyser plant on land directly to the east of the Beinn Tharsuinn Windfarm, approximately 12 km north of Alness. This electrolyser plant will be powered by 100% renewable energy to produce green hydrogen by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis.

Project Description
Although the proposed design of the development is yet to be finalised, based on its initial layout the facility could consist of several buildings up to approximately 15m in height. The extent of the Proposed Development would likely measure approximately 250m x 100m.
Access to the site would come off the existing Beinn Tharsuinn Windfarm access track which runs from the B9716 Struie road, approximately 2 km to the east.
The facility would have a maximum output of up to 50 megawatt (MW) although this is likely to be limited in the first instance to around 30MW and be able to produce up to 20,000 kg of green hydrogen per day. The facility will have multiple electrolysers feeding on-site low pressure storage containers. The hydrogen will then be compressed onto tube trailers for transportation off-site to customers. It is our intention to use low or zero carbon fuels for the hydrogen transport vehicles wherever possible.
The following banners contain further information on the proposal as well as visualisations to help give an impression of what the Proposed Development could look like from different viewpoints in the area.